Fritz Horstmann
When looking into partnering up with a supplement company I took a long time to research and think through the best options for you.
Compared to other companies or influencers that partner with supplement brands to make more money, my main goal with this partnership are three things:
getting you better results through high quality supplements
saving you money with discounts you don’t get anywhere else
making your life easier so you don’t have to research for hours and order from five different websites
Vivo Life’s mission and the mission of GameChanger align 100%.
All of Vivo Life’s products are 100% plant-based and cruelty free, made with real food ingredients and free from additives, preservatives, colours, fillers and binders.
They’re backed by science, made in accordance with strict Vganic standards, made in the UK and delivered via carbon neutral delivery.
The products taste amazing, have a fair price and will deliver results. Vivo Life even has a money back guarantee.
I can vouch for the company and I know their co-founder Josh personally.
Below you will find our recommended products and bundles.
If you’re just starting with us, I encourage you to get the “Kickstart Bundle”, which contains all the supplements needed to have a successful start on your journey.
We are excited to crush this journey with you!
Peace, Love, Vegainz Baby!